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Address:No. 3, Tongwang Road, Wangqingtuo Town, Wuqing District, Tianjin

How thick the board can be cut by different power laser cutting machines

Source:  Release time:2021-02-03

The objects of laser cutting machine include stainless steel, carbon steel, alloy steel, aluminum plate, silver, copper, titanium and other metal materials. For different metal materials, the cutting thickness of different power laser cutting machines has a great relationship with the cutting material. 1000 watts, 2000 watts... How thick can laser cutting machines of various powers cut?

laser cutter

Generally speaking, the thickness limit values of different laser cutting machine powers for cutting various materials are as follows:

(For reference only, the actual cutting ability is also related to the quality of the cutting machine, cutting environment, auxiliary gas, cutting speed and other factors)

1. The cutting thickness of different materials of 500W fiber laser cutting machine: carbon steel thickness 6mm; stainless steel thickness 3mm; aluminum plate thickness 2mm; copper plate thickness 2mm;

2. 1000W fiber laser cutting machine cutting thickness of different materials: carbon steel thickness 10mm; stainless steel thickness 5mm; aluminum plate thickness 3mm; copper plate thickness 3mm;

3. 2000W fiber laser cutting machine cutting thickness of different materials: carbon steel thickness 16mm; stainless steel thickness 8mm; aluminum plate thickness 5mm; copper plate thickness 5mm;

4. 3000W fiber laser cutting machine cutting thickness of different materials: carbon steel thickness 20mm; stainless steel thickness 10mm; aluminum plate thickness 8mm; copper plate thickness 8mm;

5. 4500W laser cutting stainless steel is 20mm, but the quality of the cutting surface above 12mm is not guaranteed, and the cutting surface below 12mm is bright surface cutting. The 6000W cutting capacity will be better, but the price is also higher.

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